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[451] ὀλλύντων κτλ.: of the slaying and the slain. In appos. with “ἀνδρῶν”, referring to “οἰμωγὴ κτλ”. in ‘chiastic’ order, — “εὐχωλή” being connected with “ὀλλύντων”, and “οἰμωγή” with “ὀλλυμένων”. cf. ‘Of shout and scream the mingled din| And weapon-clash and maddening cry| Of those who kill and those who die,’ Scott Rokeby v. 31; “πιπτόντων στόνος καὶ ἀναιρούντων μεγαλαυχία” Appian Bell. Pun. 45.

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