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[504] 504 = “Ε 42, 540, Ν 187, Ρ 50, 311, ω” 525; cf. 5.58. cf. corruit in volnus, sonitum super arma dedere Verg. Aen. x. 488.

ἐπ᾽ αὐτῷ: cf. 470.

505 = “Π 588, Ρ” 316.

ὑπό: before him. Const. with “χώρησαν”. cf. “ὑπὸ κεκάδοντο 497. ὐπό” does not suffer ‘anastrophe’ here, since it does not immediately follow the word to which it belongs.

τέ: is expected after “πρόμαχοι”. For the freedom of position, cf. “ἅμα τ᾽ ὠκύμορος καὶ ὀιζυρός Α” 417.

φαίδιμος Ἕκτωρ: the poet does not imply that Hector was not one of the “πρόμαχοι”, but rather that he is the most distinguished of them. cf. “Ζεὺς δ᾽ ἐπεὶ οὖν Τρῶάς τε καὶ Ἕκτορα νηυσὶ πέλασσεν Ν” 1, ‘Peter and the apostles’ Acts v. 29.

506 = 17.317.

μέγα: cognate accusative. For the length of the ‘ultima,’ see on “γένετο” 456.

ἐρύσαντο: contrast with the pres. “ἐρύοντα” 492.

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