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[478] = 17.302 f.

θρέπτρα (“τρέφω”): formed like “λύτρα, λοετρά”. G. 129, 5; H. 554. Attic “τροφεῖα”, Lat. alimenta. Const. with “ἀπέδωκε”, repaid the loving care. Cf. 17.301. Neglect of duty towards parents, acc. to Hesiod, is a crying sin of the ‘Iron age,’ “οὐδέ κεν οἵ γεͅ γηράντεσσι” (cf. “γῆρας”) “τοκεῦσιν ἀπὸ θρεπτήρια δοῖεν”, Opera 187 f.

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