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[92] When a short syllable is followed by a long the effect is one of vigorous ascent, while a long followed by a short produces a gentler impression and suggests descent. It is therefore best to begin with long syllables, though at times it may be correct to begin with short, as in the phrase novum crimen:1 a gentler effect is created, if we commence with two shorts, as in the phrase animadverti iudices: but this opening, which comes from the pro Cluentio, is perfectly correct, since that speech begins with something similar to partition, which requires speed.2

1 pro Lig. i. 1.

2 pro Cluent. i. 1. The speech begins: “I note, gentlemen of the jury, that the whole speech of the accuser falls into two parts, of which one,” etc. It is this which is described as “similar to partition.” lenius a dabaas Capperonnier for levibus (AG).

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