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[62] Another figure produced by omission is that of which I have just spoken,1 when the connecting particles are omitted. A third is the figure known as ἐπεζευγμένον in which a number of clauses are all completed by the same verb, which would be required by each singly if they stood alone. In such cases the verb to which the rest of the sentence refers may come first, as in the following instance: Vicit pudorem lilido, timiorem audacia, rationem amentia.2 Or it may come last, closing a number of clauses, as in the following:3 Neque enim is es, Catilina, ut te aut pudor unquam a turpitudine ant meites a periculo aut ratio a furore revocaverit.

1 § 50.

2 Pro Cluent. vi. 15. “Lust conquered shame, boldness fear, madness reason.”

3 Cat. i. ix. 22. “For you are not the man, Catiline, to be deterred from vile acts by shame, from peril by fear, or from madness by reason.”

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