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Jan. 1: Engagement, Galveston

MASSACHUSETTS--42d Infantry (Cos. "D," "G" and "I"). VERMONT--2d Battery Light Artillery. UNITED STATES--Gunboats "Clifton," "Westfield," "Owasco," "Harriet Lane," "Sachem" and "Coryphæus." Union loss, 400 killed, wounded and missing.

Jan. 3: Skirmish, Galveston

TEXAS--1st Cavalry.

Jan. 21: Affair, Sabine Pass

U. S. Navy. Attack on Blockading Squadron.

Feb. 10: Affair, Wachita Indian Agency

Loyal Delawares and Shawnees.

March 2-30: Expedition to the Rio Grande

TEXAS--1st Cavalry.

April 18: Action, Sabine Pass

U. S. Navy. Gunboats "Cayuga" and "New London." Union loss, 1 killed, 5 wounded, 5 missing. Total, 11.

May 3: Affair, St. Joseph's Island

U. S. Navy.

May 30: Affair, Point Isabel

U. S. Navy.

Sept. 8: Action, Sabine Pass

NEW YORK--75th and 161st Infantry. Union loss, 30 killed and wounded, 200 missing. Total, 230.

Nov. 2: Occupation of Brazos de Santiago Island

IOWA--19th Infantry.

Nov. 6: Occupation of Point Isabel

IOWA--20th Infantry.

Nov. 6: Occupation of Brownsville

IOWA--19th Infantry. MAINE--13th Infantry. MISSOURI--Battery "B," 1st Light Artillery. WISCONSIN--20th Infantry.

Nov. 17: Capture of Aransas

IOWA--26th Infantry. MAINE--13th and 15th Infantry.

Nov. 17: Capture of Mustang Island, Aransas Pass

IOWA--26th and 34th Infantry. MAINE--13th and 15th Infantry. MISSOURI--Battery "F," 1st Light Artillery.

Nov. 23: Skirmish, Cedar Bayou

MAINE--15th Infantry (Detachment).

Nov. 23-Dec. 2: Expedition to Rio Grande City

ILLINOIS--37th Infantry (7 Cos.).

Nov. 27-30: Action and capture, Fort Esperanza

ILLINOIS--33d and 99th Infantry. INDIANA--8th and 18th Infantry. IOWA--23d, 26th and 34th Infantry. MAINE--13th and 15th Infantry. MICHIGAN--Battery "G," 1st Light Artillery. MISSOURI--Battery "F," 1st Light Artillery. Union loss, 1 killed, 2 wounded. Total, 3.

Dec. 29: Action, Matagorda Peninsula

MAINE--13th Infantry (Cos. "C," "H" and "K"). U. S. Gunboat "Sciota."

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