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Jan. 22-Feb. 1: Expedition from Beaufort up St. Mary's River in Ga. and Florida

SOUTH CAROLINA--1st Colored Infantry.

Jan. 29: Expedition to Dafuskie Island

Confederate Reports.

Jan. 31: Engagement off Charleston Bar

UNITED STATES--Navy, "Augusta," "Mercedita," "Quaker City," "Memphis," "Keystone State" and "Housatonic."

April 7: Skirmish, Folly Island

OHIO--62nd Infantry.

April 7: Engagement, Fort Sumpter, Stono Inlet

UNITED STATES--Navy, "Canandagua," "Unadilla," "Housatonic," "Huron," "Wissahickon," "Keokuk," "Weehawken," "Passaic," "Montauk," "Catskill," "New Ironsides," "Patapsco," "Nahant" and "Nantucket," Union loss, 2 killed, 20 wounded. Total, 22.

April 8: Action, Broad River

RHODE ISLAND--3d Arty. UNITED STATES--Gunboat "George Washington." Union loss, 2 killed, 8 wounded. Total, 10.

April 9: Action, Fort Royal Ferry


April 10: Skirmish, Folly Island

NEW YORK--100th Infantry (Detachment).

April 27: Affair, Murray's Inlet

U. S. Gunboat.

April 29: Engagement, Pineberry Battery

U. S. Gunboat "Hale."

April 29: Engagement, Willstown and White Point

U. S. Gunboat "Hale."

May 4: Affair, Murray's Inlet

U. S. Gunboat.

May 19: Skirmish, Pope's Island

(No Reports.)

May 31: Affair, James Island

(No Reports.)

June 2: Raid on Combahee River

SOUTH CAROLINA--2d Colored Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--3d Arty. (Detachment).

June 11-13: Operations on Little Folly Island

(No Reports.)

June 18: Skirmish, Edisto Island

CONNECTICUT--10th Infantry. NEW YORK--Battery "B," 3d Light Arty. Union loss, 1 wounded.

June 21: Affair, Dixon's Island

Confederate Reports.

July 9-16: Expedition to James Island

CONNECTICUT--1st Battery Light Arty; 10th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--1st Cavalry (Detachment); 24th and 54th (Colored) Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--4th Infantry. NEW YORK--56th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--52d, 97th and 104th Infantry. SOUTH CAROLINA--2d Colored Infantry.

July 10: Assault on and capture of Batteries on South End of Morris Island

CONNECTICUT--6th and 7th (Cos. "A," "B," "I," "K") Infantry. MAINE--9th Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--3d and 7th Infantry. NEW YORK--1st Engineers; Batteries "B" and "F," 3d Light Arty.; 48th and 100th Infantry. OHIO--62d and 67th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--76th Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--3d Heavy Arty.

July 10: Engagement, Willstown Bluff, Pon Pon River

CONNECTICUT--1st Battery Light Arty. (Section). SOUTH CAROLINA--1st Colored Infantry.

July 10-Sept. 7: Siege operations on Morris Island against Forts Wagner, Gregg and Sumpter, and against Charleston

CONNECTICUT--7th, 10th and 17th Infantry. MAINE--9th and 11th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--1st Cavalry (Co. "I"); 24th, 40th and 54th (Colored) Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--3d, 4th and 7th Infantry. NEW YORK--Batteries "B" and "F," 3d Light Arty.; 1st Engineers; 3d (from Aug. 9), 47th, 48th, 100th, 103d (from Aug. 14), 117th (from Aug. 5), 144th, 157th and 169th (from Aug. 14) Infantry; "Enfans Perdu" Infantry. OHIO--62d, 67th and 75th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--52d, 85th, 97th and 104th Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--3d Heavy Arty. (Cos. "B," "C," "D," "H," "I," "M"). ILLINOIS--39th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Batteries "B" and "C," 1st Arty.; Battery "E," 3d Arty.; 3d Colored Infantry. Union loss, 71 killed, 278 wounded, 9 missing. Total, 358.

July 11: Assault on Fort Wagner

CONNECTICUT--7th Infantry (Cos. "A," "B," "I," "K"). MAINE--9th Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--3d and 7th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--76th Infantry. Union loss, 49 killed, 123 wounded, 167 missing. Total, 339.

July 14: Bombardment Forts Wagner and Gregg

RHODE ISLAND--3d Heavy Arty.

July 16: Action, Grimball's Landing or Secessionville, James Island

CONNECTICUT--1st Battery Light Arty.; 10th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--1st Cavalry (Detachment); 24th and 54th (Colored) Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--4th Infantry. NEW YORK--56th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--52d, 97th and 104th Infantry. SOUTH CAROLINA--2d Colored Infantry. Union loss, 14 killed, 20 wounded, 12 missing. Total, 46.

July 18: Assault on Fort Wagner

CONNECTICUT--6th and 7th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--54th (Colored) Infantry. MAINE--9th Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--3d and 7th Infantry. NEW YORK--48th and 100th Infantry. OHIO--62d and 67th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--76th Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--Battery "C," 3d Heavy Arty. UNITED STATES--Battery "E," 3d Arty. Union loss, 246 killed, 880 wounded, 389 missing. Total, 1515.

July 19: Action, Morris Island

CONNECTICUT--10th Infantry.

July 25: Action, Morris Island

RHODE ISLAND--3d Heavy Arty.

Aug. 4: Affair, Vincent's Creek

NEW YORK--100th Infantry (Detachment).

Aug. 26: Action, Forts Wagner and Gregg

MASSACHUSETTS--24th Infantry. UNITED STATES--3d Colored Infantry. Union loss, 10 killed, 17 wounded, Total, 27.

Sept. 1: Action, Morris Island

NEW YORK--"Enfans Perdu" Infantry.

Sept. 7: Occupation of Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island

CONNECTICUT--17th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--40th and 54th (Colored) Infantry. ILLINOIS--39th Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--4th and 7th Infantry. NEW YORK--117th and 169th Infantry. OHIO--75th Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--3d Heavy Arty.

Sept. 8: Night attack on Fort Sumpter

413 U. S. Marines and Sailors. Union loss, 3 killed, 114 missing. Total, 117.

Sept. 23: Action at Fort Gregg

NEW YORK--"Enfans Perdu" Infantry.

Oct. 21: Action, Fort Gregg

NEW YORK--"Enfans Perdu" Infantry.

Nov. 15: Demonstration on James Island

U. S. Navy.

Nov. 24: Skirmish near Cunningham's Bluff

SOUTH CAROLINA--1st Colored Infantry (Cos. "E," "K"). Union loss, 2 killed, 7 wounded. Total, 9.

Dec. 25: Action, Legaresville

U. S. Gunboat "Marblehead."

Dec. 28: Affair, John's Island

Confederate Reports.

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