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Jan. 16-May 18: Operations near Fort Humboldt

UNITED STATES--4th and 6th Infantry (Detachments).

April 14-15: Skirmishes, Van Deusen Creek, near Mad River

UNITED STATES--4th and 7th Infantry (Detachments) and Volunteers.

May 23: Skirmish, Larabee's Ranch

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

May 26-June 17: Operations on Mad and Eel Rivers

UNITED STATES--4th and 7th Infantry (Detachments) and Volunteers.

May 26: Skirmish, South Fork, Eel River

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

May 28: Skirmish, South Fork, Eel River

UNITED STATES--7th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

May 30: Skirmish, Keatuck Creek

UNITED STATES--7th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 2: Skirmish, Larabee's House

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 4: Skirmish, Eel River, opposite Bell Spring

UNITED STATES--7th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 8: Skirmish, Larabee's House

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 14: Skirmish, South Fork, Eel River

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 16: Skirmish, South Fork, Eel River

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

June 17: Skirmish, Kettenshaw

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

July 21: Skirmish, South Fork, Eel River

UNITED STATES--6th Infantry (Detachment) and Volunteers.

Aug. 3-12: Scout from Fort Crook, to Round Valley

UNITED STATES--1st Dragoons (Detachment Co. "F").

Aug. 5: Skirmish, Pitt Valley

UNITED STATES--1st Dragoons (Detachment Co. "F").

Aug. 15-22: Exp. from Fort Crook, to Pitt River

UNITED STATES--1st Dragoons (Detachment Co. "F").

Aug. 19: Skirmish, Kellogg's Lake

UNITED STATES--1st Dragoons (Detachment Co. "F").

Sept. 7: Skirmish, Santa Ana Canon


Sept. 25-Oct. 1: Exp. from San Bernardino to Temicula Ranch and Oak Grove

UNITED STATES--4th Infantry (Co. "D").

Nov. 20-29: Pursuit and capture Showalter's Party, at Warner's Ranch, San Jose Valley

CALIFORNIA--1st Cavalry (Detachment).

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San Bernardino (California, United States) (1)
Pitt River (California, United States) (1)
Oak Grove (California, United States) (1)
Mad River (California, United States) (1)
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