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March 21: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "A").

March 24: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "A").

April 7-11: Exp. from Fort Wright to Williams Valley

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment).

April 9: Skirmish, Williams Valley

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment).

April 12-24: Exp. from Camp Babbitt to Keyesville

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachments Cos. "D," "E").

April 24-May 26: Operations in Owens Valley

CALIFORNIA--2d Cavalry.

April 30: Attack near Oak Camp

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (2 men).

May 3: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment).

May 9: Skirmish, Shelter Cove

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "D").

June 6: Skirmish, Oak Camp

Citizens, with Train.

July 9: Attack on Redwood Creek

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment of Recruits).

July 20-26: Operations in Round Valley

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry.

Sept. 3: Skirmish, Hoopa Valley

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment). Union loss, 10 wounded.

Nov. 13-14: Skirmishes, Big Bar on South Fork Trinity River

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachments Cos. "B," "C"). Union loss, 2 wounded.

Nov. 17: Skirmish, Willow Creek, on Trinity River

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment). Union loss, 5 wounded.

Dec. 25: Skirmish, Fort Gaston

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Cos. "B," "C").

Dec. 26: Skirmish, Fort Gaston

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Cos. "B," "C").

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