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Mr. Baldwin's Lecture.

To-night Mr. O. P. Baldwin will deliver a lecture in Mechanics' Hall on the subject of "Cockney Travellers and others." The theme is seasonable. We have recently had amongst us some very distinguished travelers, and some very vulgar and unscrupulous ones, Mr. B. has the talent and genius to place in proper view before us the merits and demerits of the two descriptions of visitors. He will not fall to handle his subject to the best advantage, and will, we are sure, afford his hearers a true enjoyment. No orator of the day wields more successfully the powers of satyre and ridicule, or those more direct keys to the human heart, Humor and Pathos. Unlike some men of genius, however, Mr. Baldwin employs the gifts of his mind with a discriminating sense and a fair and liberal judgment. We are sure his effort of to-night will be worthy of his reputation.

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