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“ [353] of Slavery?” Three colored gentlemen and an M. P. had extolled Britain as the land of true freedom and equality, had urged Britons to refuse recognition to “pro-slavery clergymen,” to avoid using the products of slave-labor, and to assist the free-colored people to educate their children. One of the colored orators had observed the entrance of Horace Greeley, and named him commendingly to the audience; whereupon he was invited to take a seat upon the platform, and afterwards to address the meeting; both of which invitations were promptly accepted. He spoke fifteen minutes. He began by stating the fact, that American Slavery justifies itself mainly on the ground, that the class who live by manual toil are everywhere, but particularly in England, degraded and ill-requited. Therefore, he urged upon English Abolitionists, first, to use systematic exertions to increase the reward of Labor and the comfort and consideration of the depressed Laboring Class at home; and to diffuse and cherish respect for Man as Man, without regard to class, color or vocation. Secondly, to put forth determined efforts for the eradication of those Social evils and miseries in England which are appealed to and relied on by slaveholders and their champions everywhere as justifying the continuance of Slavery; and thirdly, to colonize our Slave States by thousands of intelligent, moral, industrious Free Laborers, who will silently and practically dispel the wide-spread delusion which affirms that the Southern States must be cultivated and their great staples produced by Slave Labor, or not at all.

These suggestions were listened to with respectful attention; but they did not elicit the “thunder of applause” which had greeted the “Stand-aside-for-i-am-holier-than-thou” oratory of the preceding speakers.

Our traveler witnessed the second performance at the Devonshire House, of Bulwer's play, “Not so bad as we seem,” for the benefit of the Literary Guild, the characters by Charles Dickens, Douglas Jerrold, and other literary notabilities. Not that he hoped much for the success of the project; but it was, at least, an attempt to mend the fortunes of unlucky British authors, whose works “we Americans habitually steal,” and to whom he, as an individual, felt himself indebted. The price of the tickets for the first performance was twenty-five dollars. He applied for one too late, and was therefore

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