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Chapter 22: 1848!

The Year of Hope! You have not forgotten, O reader, the thrill, the tumult, the ecstasy of joy with which, on the morning of March 28th, 1848, you read in the morning papers these electric and transporting capitals. Regale your eyes with them once more:

Fifteen days later from Europe.

arrival of the Cambria.

highly important news!

Abdication of Louis Phillippe!

A Republic proclaimed.

the royal family have left Paris.

assault on the Palais royal.

great loss of life.

communication with the interior cut off.

Resignation of Ministers.

revolt in Amiens—Paris in alarm.

What history is condensed in these few words? Why has not that history been faithfully and minutely recorded, as a warning and a guide to the men of future revolutions? Why has no one deduced from the events of the last eighty years a science of Revolution, laid down the principles upon which success is possible, probable, certain? The attempt, and not the deed confounded Europe,

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