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[288] so far as my means will permit, when a similar opportunity, with a like prospect of success, is presented—and not for them only, but for any equally oppressed and suffering people on the face of the earth. If any “ extortion and plunder” were contrived and perpetrated in the meetings for Ireland at Vauxhall last season, I am wholly unconscious of it, though I ought to be as well informed as to the alleged “ extortion and plunder” as most others, whether my information were obtained in the character of conspirator or that of victim. I feel impelled, however, by the expressions employed in Mr. Brooks's card, to state that I have found nothing like an inclination to “ extortion and plunder” in the councils of the leading friends of Ireland in this city, and nothing like a suspicion of such baseness among the thousands who sustained and cheered them in their efforts. All the suspicions and imputations to which those have been subjected, who freely gave their money and their exertions in aid of the generous though ineffectual effort for Ireland's liberation, have originated with those who never gave that cause a prayer or a shilling, and have not yet traveled beyond them.


Horace Greeley. New York, Nov. 8, 1848.

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