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To-morrow I move to Lenox, where I sojourn with Ward,1 and count much upon the readings of Shakspeare, the conversation and society of Fanny Kemble, who has promised to ride with me, and introduce me to the beautiful lanes and wild paths of these mountains. She seems a noble woman,—peculiar, bold, masculine, and unaccommodating, but with a burning sympathy with all that is high, true, and humane. I shall linger in Lenox another week, so that I may hear from you there.

I am very sorry that the pedagogues of Boston have assailed Mann, and wish I could have joined in your counsels for his defence. To you and to Mann I should say, Moderation! I honor, almost revere, the zeal of the latter, and the ability by which it is sustained; but I sometimes doubt his judgment and taste.

You are now at home, with your dear wife by your side, under your own roof. I long to see you both in those rooms where we have talked and mused so many nights. If I pass through New York in a week, shall I find L—— and A——there? If so, what number on Bond Street? Crawford will be with his mother, or happy in Bond Street. Have you seen all your friends; and how do things appear? My hosts return to town on Friday, Sept. 13; and Miss Sedgwick, one of your warmest friends and admirers, goes on the 15th. Adieu I

Ever thine,

C. S.

To George S. Hillard.

Pittsfield, Sept. 12, 1844.
dear Hillard,—. . . I hope for a long letter from Felton, in his most amusing manner. Remember me affectionately to my friends. The interest they have expressed in my health fills me with gratitude. I wish you were still here. Your presence would help me bear the weight of Fanny Kemble's conversation; for, much as I admire her, I confess to a certain awe and a sense of her superiority, which makes me at times anxious to subside into my own inferiority and leave the conversation to be sustained by other minds.2 . . .

Show this to Peleg Chandler; and tell him to write me at Newport a gossipy letter, containing such matters as he can enliven by his pen.

Ever affectionately thine,

C. S.

From Lenox he wrote to Dr. Howe, Sept. 13, 1844:—

Here I am, the guest of Sam Ward, enjoying very much the devoted love that graces this house, and the kindness about me. Last evening, at the Sedgwicks', I heard Fanny Kemble read the First Act of “MacBETHeth,” and sing a ballad. To-day, drove with Miss Sedgwick and Miss R. S. to Stockbridge, where I passed the day.

1 Samuel G. Ward, of the house of Baring Brothers.

2 The omitted part of the letter relates to the appointment of Luther S. Cushing to the bench of the Common Pleas, in which he took great interest.

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