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[157] violent drinks. From the political controversy involving legislation for the suppression of intemperance, which beginning as early as 1837 has continued ever since, he kept entirely aloof.

In January and February, 1841, Sumner made a visit of three or four weeks to New York and Philadelphia. In New York he was the guest of his brother Albert, then newly married, and living on Bond Street. He was also cordially received by Chancellor Kent, and enjoyed much the society of the Misses Ward, —‘the Three Graces of Bond Street,’—of whom one was to become the wife of his friend, Dr. Howe; another, of his friend Crawford; and the third of Mr. Maillard, now of California. In Philadelphia he received much attention from Joseph R. Ingersoll, and was warmly greeted by his old friends, Mr. Peters and family, who found him in presence and manners changed from the youth they had known six years before. At this time he formed a friendship with Theodore Sedgwick, of New York, with whom he had many common topics in law, literature, and foreign affairs; and their correspondence was continued for many years. The same year he was brought into personal relations with Jacob Harvey,—a gentleman of Irish birth, and son-in-law of Dr. Hosack,—with whom he often conferred on international questions.

At home, Sumner was the dutiful son, the affectionate and watchful brother. To his sister Mary, now entering society, he was specially devoted, and was her constant escort to parties and on horseback rides. His sister, Mrs. Hastings, wrote in October, 1874:—

He was always interested in the education and improvement of his younger brothers and sisters. When he returned from Europe, he came home to live with us, and, my father having died while he was away, seemed to feel somewhat of a paternal charge over the young members of the family. I was then twelve (nearly thirteen), my brother Horace fifteen, and my sister Mary nearly eighteen,—a girl of great beauty and loveliness. During Charles's absence, she had grown from the unformed girl into the lovely woman; and he was very fond of her. Her loss, a few years later, was a very bitter grief to him.

From the time of his return from Europe my recollections are most vivid. I recall the great interest he took in our education, the spur and incentive he was to our ambition, and how proud I was of his praise and approval. It seems but yesterday that I was the happy, careless school-girl, recounting eagerly to his kindly, sympathetic ear at dinner the experiences of the morning at school, or going to him for help in my

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