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[315] antagonists to war. They teach, and when adopted cause, the mutual dependence of nation upon nation. They, in short, carry out among nations the great principle of division of labor which obtains among individuals. It was a common and earnest desire among our statesmen, after the last war, to render our country independent for its manufactures and fabrics of all kinds of foreign nations. Far better would it be, and more in harmony with God's Providence, if we were dependent upon all nations. Then would war be impossible. As civilization advances, the state of national dependence is promoted; and even England, at this moment, can hardly call herself independent of the United States.

Your affectionate brother,

To Dr. Samuel G. Howe.

Boston, Aug. 27, 1844.
dearest Howe,—My first letter, of an earlier date, was written to greet you on your vaunt that you should be in New York on the sixteenth of August. Would that you had been! I leave this pent — up place to-morrow. I feel like a sinner, dearest Howe, and untrue to your valued friendship for me, and my strong desire to seal it again by personal intercourse, while I run away as you are coming. But all my friends and physicians speed me; and the first desire of my soul is health,—not life, for of that I am careless, —which I must seek among green fields and in pure air. . . .

Dr. Jackson still insists that my condition is ‘very serious,’ and urges me to great care. I cannot but regard his view as much exaggerated. I begin to feel, however,—such is the pressure of his opinion,—that I have a shattered constitution, and that health has flown from me, perhaps for ever. You will find me, I fear, but half a man. It is with an ill grace that I assume the character of an invalid, watch the winds and skies, wrap up my throat, provide myself with superfluous garments, abide the imprisonment of the house when the weather frowns, take medicines, and listen to the vacillating opinions of my physicians.

Fisher has kindly called to see me repeatedly; and we have talked of you and the career of usefulness and happiness before you. You have earned it, dear Howe; and it now stretches beautifully in a well-defined vista. Love has crowned you with its choicest myrtle, and the regard of the public offers a chaplet higher than the laurel.

Wednesday forenoon, Aug. 28.

Dr. Jackson has called this morning and given me some parting advice. After he had gone came the gentle Fisher, who desired to make an examination of me, that he might satisfy himself and you. The result of his examination has restored my confidence in myself. He thought that no physician could be confident that there was any thing on my lungs; if there was any thing it was very slight, and said he should not have suspected it if some of my family were not afflicted with poor lungs. He said he was most pleasantly disappointed by the result of the examination, and that his anxiety was

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