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74. Of JERUSALEM (3).


Three extant pieces relating to the Iconoclastic controversy bear the name of Joannes of Jerusalem, but it is doubtful how far they may be ascribed to the same author.

1. Ἰωάννου εὐλαβεστάτου τοῦ Ἱεροσολυμίτου μοναχοῦ Διήγησις, a very brief account of the origin of the Iconoclastic movement.


Published by Combéfis among the Scriptores post Theophanem, fol. Paris, 1685, and reprinted at Venice A. D. 1729, as part of the series of Byzantine historians; and is also included in the Bonn edition of that series. It is also printed in the Bibliotheca Patrum of Gallandius, vol. xiii. p. 270.

2. Δτάλογος δτηλιτευτικὸς γενόμενος παρὰ πιδτῶν καὶ ᾿ορθοδόξων καὶ πόθον καὶ ζῆλον ἐχόντων πρὸς ἔλεγχον τῶν ἐναντίων τῆς πίδτεως καὶ τῆς διδασκαλίας τῶν άγίων καὶ ὀρθοδόξων ἡμῶν πατέρων


First published by Combéfis in the Scriptores post Theophanem as the work of an anonymous writer, and is contained in the Venetian, but not in the Bonn edition of the Byzantine writers. It is also reprinted by Gallandius (ut sup. p. 352) as written by " Joannes Damascenus," or "Joannes Patriarcha Hierosolymmitanus," some MSS. giving one name and others giving the other. Gallandius considers that he is called Damascenus, from his birth-place. The author of this Invective is to be distinguished from the more celebrated Joannes Damascenus [DAMASCENUS], his contemporary, to whom perhaps the transcribers of the MSS., in prefixing the name Damascenus, intended to ascribe the work.

3. Ιωάννον μοναχοῦ καὶ πρεδβυτέρου τοῦ Δαμαδκηνοῦ λόγος ἀποδεικτικὸς περὶ τῶν ἁγίων καὶ δεπτῶν εἰκόνων, πρὸς πάντας Χριδτιανοὺς καὶ πρὸς τὸν βαδιλέα Κωνδταντῖνον τὸν Καβαλῖνον καὶ πρὸς πάντας αἱρετικούς,

The title is given in other MSS. Ἐπιδτολὴ Ἰωάννου Ἱεροδολύμων ἀρχιεπιδκόπου, κ. τ. λ., Epistola Joannis Hierosolymitani Archiepiscopi, &c.


The work was first printed in the Auctarium Novum of Combéfis, vol. ii. fol. Paris, 1648, and was reprinted by Gallandius (ut sup. p. 358, &c.).

Questions of Authorship

Fabricius is disposed to identify the authors of Nos. 1 and 3; and treats No. 2 as the work of another and unknown writer; but Gallandius, from internal evidence, endeavours to show that Nos. 2 and 3 are written by one person, but that No. 1. is by a different writer; and this seems to be the preferable opinion. He thinks there is also internal evidence that No. 3 was written in the year 770, and was subsequent to No. 2. (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. vii. p. 682)

Further Information

Gallandius, Bibl. Patrum, vol. xiii. Prolegomena, 100.10, 15.

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