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‘Further’ (returning to the last term of the definition, καὶ τοῦτο ὅταν πλήσιον φαίνηται) ‘men are pitied when danger or suffering is impending and close at hand’. (δεινόν is any object of δέος or dread; derived from δέος as ἐλεεινός from ἔλεος, κλεινός from κλέος.) ‘We pity also those who are like us, in age, or character, or habits of mind (moods, states of mind, moral and intellectual, virtuous and vicious), in reputation (of various kinds, expressed by the plural), or in blood (race and family): for in all these cases there seems to be a greater likelihood of the same misfortune occurring to oneself as well as the others (καὶ αὐτῷ): for here again’ (ἐνταῦθα, καί as well as in the case of fear, referring to II 5. 12, “the same things that we dread for ourselves, we pity in others”) ‘in a general way we must suppose’ (λαβεῖν ‘to take up, receive’, an opinion; to assume or believe; or perhaps ‘to gather’ as the result of observation, and so form an opinion of conclusion) ‘that all things that we dread in our own case, the same we pity when they happen to others’.

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