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tribuenda sint: condition with nothing implied (in dir. disc., sunt).

pro, in accordance with.

in senatu: laws did not require any ratification by the Senate. The expression of opinion by Hortensius must therefore have been in an informal discussion, after the promulgation of the law (i.e. its announcement as a proposed bill).

Gabiniurh: see Introd., p.67 of text.

promulgasset: a bill intended to be brought before either comitia was regularly announced to the Senate and posted in the city two Roman weeks (at least 17 days) before it could be voted on.

ex hoc ipso loco, i.e. in the public discussion of the law, before the vote, in the contio (see sect. 1).

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Cicero, On Pompey's Command, 1
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