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neque . . . et: here the first clause is virtually concessive; we may render while . . . at the same time.

caste, with clean hands.

integre (next line), in good faith (toward the client).

judicio, i.e. their action in electing him.

fructum, i.e. the several grades of office he had already filled: he was now praetor.

dilationem, adjournment There were many things which could break up an assembly and put off the business, especially unfavorable auguries, the announcement of which was a favorite device of politicians. If an election was thus interrupted by adjournment, the votes already taken were null and void and the whole proceeding had to be gone through with again. The comitia at which Cicero was chosen praetor were twice adjourned in this way, so that there were three meetings before the election was complete. At each of these Cicero was the first (primus) of the eight praetors to secure a majority, and hence he was thrice declared elected (ter renuntiatus sum). primus does not here imply a superiority in rank, for the eight praetors were regarded as colleagues and they determined their functions by lot.

quid aliis, etc., i.e. this action of the voters showed that they approved his course of life, and was a suggestion to others how to attain similar honors.

nunc, opposed to the time referred to in sect. 1.

ad agendum, for speaking (cf. note on 1.2, above).

forensi usu: the courts were held in the Forum.

quoque, i.e. to forensic as well as to military or political activity.

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Cicero, On Pompey's Command, 1
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