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erat deligendus: § 517, c (308, c); B. 304, 3, a; G. 597, R2; 11.582 (51 I, 2); H-B. 582, 3, a, N.1.

nunc, as things stand.

adsit, habeat, possit: result clauses in appos. with opportunitas.

eis qui habent, i.e. Lucullus, Glabrio, and Marcius Rex, who were still in command of Roman armies in Asia. For mood of habent, see § 593, a, N.1 (342, a, N.); G. 629, R.; H. 652, I (529, ii, N.1, 2).

cur . . . committamus: observe the different mood in the preceding question quid exspectamus?

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hide References (2 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge, G. L. Kittredge, J. B. Greenough, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, 517
    • A. A. Howard, Benj. L. D'Ooge, G. L. Kittredge, J. B. Greenough, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar, 593
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