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Ἴωσι. It is most unlikely that the whole fleet was led by Greeks, though this is required by the story. Duncker (vi. 266, 271) thinks the Phoenician fleet was being used against Libya.

αὐχένα. The single stream is called ‘neck’ in contrast to the space enclosed by the spreading mouths. Strabo (305) says Darius crossed at the lower part of the island Peuce, 120 stades from the southern mouth of the Danube; this seems to have been also the place where Alexander crossed (Arr. Anab. i. 3.). This is placed by Gen. Jochmus (J. R. G. S. xxiv. (1854) pp. 36 seq.) at Isakcha (or Isakdje), about twenty-five miles west of Ismail. He (p. 83) points out that Darius (like the Russians in 1828) was reducing the ‘sea towns’ as a preliminary; his line of march was close to the sea (p. 47), where the Balkan passes are easiest. H. never mentions these, though he knows of the Haemus elsewhere (49. 1 n.).

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