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Λεσβίοισι κρητῆρσι. We know no more of the ‘Lesbian bowls’ than of the ‘Argive’ (152. 4); the terms may be commercial ones and so familiar to H.

ὑποκαίουσι. For using bones as fuel cf. Ezek. xxiv. 5 and Hooker, Journal of a Naturalist (1854), i. 213 (the bones of the Yak in Nepaul). The scarcity of fuel is correct; dung is still dried and burned in South Russia. But cf. 18. 1, 109. 2 for wooded districts

The grim humour of βοῦς ἑωυτὸν ἐζέψει is to be noted.

ἵππους. For horses sacrificed cf. i. 216. 4 (the Massagetae), and for the meaning of the rite, Frazer, G. B. ii. 315 seq.

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