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συνεφέρετο παλιγκότως: translate ‘their misfortunes began again’. παλιγκότως is used of a wound becoming malignant again. No previous misfortune occurs in the Cyrenaic version of the story, but H. probably refers to αὐχμός of 151. 1, forgetting that it is the very visitation which he is here mentioning. παλιγκότως, however, often = ‘adverse’ without any idea of recurrence.

δύο πεντηκοντἑροισι, ‘two penteconters’ carry the final colony in the Theraean version (c. 153); but here they seem to correspond to the reconnoitring expedition of 151. 2.

ἔβαλλον. Stein thinks these lines contain a reference to the real origin of Cyrene, i. e. στάσις at Thera, as related by Menecles of Barca (a historian of the second century B. C. at earliest; F. H. G. iv. 449, fr. 1). But his version is probably only an attempt to rationalize H.

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