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ST-MICHIELSGESTEL N Brabant, Netherlands.

Many Roman remains have come to light in the hamlet of Halder near St-Michielsgestel: coins, pottery, glass, tiles, and slag, indicating that some kind of settlement existed here ca. A.D. 50-270. No traces of houses have been found as yet, but seven wells with wooden casings (oak and pitchpine) have been discovered. One well had a double square casing of ingenious construction. Iron slag and fragments of a crucible and of molds indicate that iron was smelted here, from the bog ore found in the vicinity. A square pit, lined with stakes and filled with loam, suggests the existence of a local pottery industry. As yet only one grave has been found: a square wooden chest, about 1.5 x 1.5 m, probably originally covered by a little tumulus of sods like the rich graves of Esch, a few km to the W. The grave dates from ca. A.D. 150. Much of the stamped pottery is of Flavian date and coins of Domitian are frequent. The end came in the second half of the 3d c.

Perhaps there is a connection with the treasure of some 4800 coins discovered at Vught, a little W of Halder, and hidden ca. A.D. 275. In the hamlet of Ruimel, St-Michielsgestel, two inscriptions were found in 1679, one a tombstone (now lost), the other a dedication to Hercules Magusanus by Flaus, son of Vihirmas, summus magistratus civitatis Batavorum (now in the Leiden museum). This does not prove that Ruimel belonged to the civitas Batavorum, as that civitas did not extend S of the Meuse, but there may have been a sanctuary of Hercules Magusanus at Ruimel. The Halder finds are in the Institute for the Deaf at St-Michielsgestel, and the Vught treasure in the Noordbrabants Museum at 's-Hertogenbosch.


A. W. Byvanck, Excerpta Romana II (1935) 97-99; III (1947) 80-81; B. H. Stolte, “Hercules in Noord-Brabant. Verering te Ruimel (?) en Diessen,” Brabantia 3 (1954) 50-53; J. E. Bogaers, “Civitas en stad van de Bataven en Canninefaten,” Ber. Rijksdienst Oud. Bod. 10-11 (1960-61) 263-317 (English summary); id., Niewsbull. Kon. Ned. Oud. Bond (1962) 174-76; (1965) 53-56; (1966) 93-94; (1967) 57; (1968) 65-66; H. J. Kanters, “De Romeinse muntschat van Vught (Valerianus-Aurelianus),” Jb. v. Munt- en Penningkunde 52-53 (1965-66) 73-126.


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