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SAINT-GILLES Estate of Espeyran, Gard, France.

Important pre-Roman and Gallo-Roman settlement situated along what was formerly the westernmost arm of the Rhône, near the Étang de Scamandre at the locality called L'Argentière. It is virtually unexplored to date, but excavation would be amply rewarded. Recent magnetic prospecting over the whole of the site, and stratigraphic soundings in the center of the tell, have shown that the site was occupied from the 6th c. B.C. to the Roman era. It has already yielded numerous ceramics, both pre-Roman and Gallo-Roman, as well as a Gallo-Greek inscription, votive and funerary Roman inscriptions, a coin hoard, and Roman tombs. There is an archaeological collection nearby at the château of Espeyran.


Carte Archáologique de la Gaule romaine, fasc. VIII, Gard (1941) 9-10, no. 21; “Informations,” Gallia 20 (1962) 636; 29 (1971) 400.


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