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Site of a Gallo-Roman pottery active from the Augustan period to the end of the 2d c. A.D. At the beginning of the 1st c. the potters turned out imitations of Aco goblets and delicate black-glazed ware. At the end of the 1st c. A.D. they produced bowls with a lead glaze and modeled ware. Six kilns were found that produced well-turned delicate gray ware in the native tradition, as well as amphorae, hypocaust pipes, and ewers of coarse ware. In the middle of the 2d c. a little smooth and molded terra sigillata, influenced by Lezoux but of poor quality, was produced, along with white clay figurines and ordinary ware (clay pit, one potter's kiln, several dumps).

Imported terra sigillata from Lyon (Tiberian) and La Graufesenque (Nero-Flavian period) has also been found.


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