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MAZARA (Mazara del Vallo) Trapani, Sicily.

On the S shore, 20 km SE of Marsala, to the left of the river Mazaro, an emporion (Diod. 13.54.6) and border fortress (Diod. 23.9.4) for the city of Selinus. It was destroyed during Hannibal's march against Selinus in 409 B.C. (Diod. 13.54.6), but probably recovered since Diodoros (23.9.4) speaks of its destruction by the Romans at the beginning of the first Punic war. Pliny (HN 3.90) mentions the oppidum of Selinus; some archaeological remains also document the existence of a habitation center during the Roman period. The site is mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary.

Several inscriptions have been found at Mazara (CIL X, pp. 739ff. and nos. 7702, 7205, 7211, 7221). Three Roman marble sarcophagi and a funerary urn are preserved in the modern Cathedral.


A. Castiglione, Cose antiche di Mazara (1878); L. Bonanno, Il porto antico di Mazara (1931); id., La Romanità di Mazara (1933); V. Tusa, I sarcofagi romani in Sicilia (1957) nos. 29, 30, 31


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