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AUTERIVE Haute-Garonne, France.

A Gallo-Roman establishment has been found and excavated 1 km S of Auterive, on the left bank of the Ariège, at the locality named Saint-Orens or Le Purgatoire. It dates from the 1st c. B.C. to the 1st c. A.D. No doubt part of the dependencies of a villa, it seems to have owed its existence to navigation along the Ariège and to the trade in wine and other luxury products from Italy. Thus, decorated Arretine vases were imported during the Augustan period. The site provides good evidence of the gradual penetration of Roman customs and fashions into a primitive Gallic context.


Abbé Carrière, Mém. de la Soc. arch. du Midi de la France VIII (1861-65) 305-16, 344-58; M. Labrousse in Gallia 9 (1951) 127-28; 20 (1962) 556; 22 (1964) 435-37; 24 (1966) 418; 26 (1968) 523; 28 (1970) 403-4; id., Mélanges André Piganiol (1966) 533-46; L. Latour, “Les fouilles gallo-romaines d'Auterive (Haute-Garonne): étude des couches anciennes,” Mém. de la Soc. arch. du Midi de la France 35 (1970) 9-69.


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