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AUSA (Vich) Barcelona, Spain.

Town in Tarraconensis W of Gerona and 50 km N of Barcelona, mentioned by Pliny (HN 22-23) and Ptolemy (2.6.69). The town takes its name from a tribe of the Ausetani, who held sway as far as Gerunda. Under Amusicus, Ausa revolted against the Romans but was subdued after a 30-day winter siege by Cneus Cornelius Scipio. In the 2d c. B.C. the town minted many coins based on the Roman system with the Iberian legend AUSESCEN and, according to Pliny, had Latin rights. A small prostyle hexastyle Corinthian temple survives from the Imperial age; the cella (10.1 x 12.1 m) is built in opus emplecton lined with small ashlar.


J. Gudiol, L'Ausa romana (1907); J. Puig i Cadafalch, L'Arquitectura romana a Catalunya (1934) 107ff.


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