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Fear is necessary when terrible deeds are done, but one should not judge one's expectations before the outcome is known.

[725] There is no room for expectation when one's plans are bad, at least the kind of expectation which lends confidence.

And yet in the case of those whose mistakes were unwitting, men's anger is softened. So it should be for you.

No, such words are not for one who took part in the wrongdoing, [730] but only for him who has no trouble at his own door.

It would suit you to refrain from saying anything more, unless you would reveal anything to your own son. For he is here, the one who earlier went to seek his father.

O Mother, how I wish I could choose one of three fates for you! [735] I wish that you no longer lived, or, if you remained, that someone else called you “Mother”, or that some new and kinder heart had been exchanged for your present one!

My son, what have I done to cause your hate?

Listen to me! You have killed [740] your husband, my father—my father!

oh, no! What is this you have blurted out, Hyllus?

Only what cannot but be fulfilled. For who could undo what has happened?

What do you mean, son? From whom did you hear this [745] that you charge me with a crime so awful?

I have seen my father's overwhelming misfortune with my own eyes. I did not learn of it by hearsay.

Where did you find him? Where were you with him?

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