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elf residing there. (Xen. Hell. 4.8.33.) Two years after we find Ariobarzanes holding the government of Pharnabazus, who had gone up to court to marry the king's daughter. (Xen. Hell. 5.1.28, Ages. 3.3 ; Plut. Art. 27.) So far we are on sure ground ; but it is very difficult to decide to what period we should refer the unsuccessful expedition of the Persians to Egypt under Pharnabazus, Abrocomas, and Tithraustes. Rehldantz, however, gives some very probable reasons for placing it in B. C. 392-390. (Rehdantz, Vit. Iph., Chabr., Timoth. pp. 32, 239-242; comp. Isocr. Paneg. 69, d. ; Aristoph. Pl. 178; Just. 6.6.) In B. C. 377, Pharnabazus, by his remonstrances with the Athenians, obtained the recall of Chabrias from the service of Acoris, king of Egypt, and also a promise to send Iphicrates to co-operate with the Persian generals in the reduction of the rebellious province. The expedition, however, under Iphicrates and Pharnabazus ultimately failed iln B. C. 374, chiefly through the dila
to march to the help of Chalcedon, which seemed to be in danger from the Athenian fleet under Alcibiades ; but it is probable that the return of the latter to the Hellespont induced Pharinabazus to relinquish his intention and to remain where his presence appeared more necessary. It was about this time also that IIermocrates was indebted to his generosity for an unsolicited supply of money for the purpose of procuring ships and mercenaries to effect his return to Syracuse [HERMOCRATES]. In B. C. 409, Pharnabazus was defeated by Alcibiades and Thrasyllus near Abydus, and his province was ravaged by the Athenians (Xen. Hell. 1.1. §§ 14, &c., 31, 2. §§ 16, 17; Diod. 13.49-51, 63; Plnt. Alc. 28.) In B. C. 408, the success of Alcibiades and his colleagues at Chalcedon against Pharnabazus and the Spartan harmost, Hippocrates, who was slain in the battle, induced the satrap to accept terms of accommodation fiom the Athenians, and he further engaged to give a safe conduct to the ambassadors w
for placing it in B. C. 392-390. (Rehdantz, Vit. Iph., Chabr., Timoth. pp. 32, 239-242; comp. Isocr. Paneg. 69, d. ; Aristoph. Pl. 178; Just. 6.6.) In B. C. 377, Pharnabazus, by his remonstrances with the Athenians, obtained the recall of Chabrias from the service of Acoris, king of Egypt, and also a promise to send Iphicrates to co-operate with the Persian generals in the reduction of the rebellious province. The expedition, however, under Iphicrates and Pharnabazus ultimately failed iln B. C. 374, chiefly through the dilatory proceedings and the excessive caution of the latter, who excused himself to his colleague by the remark that while his words were in his own power, his actions were in that of the king. [CHABRIAS; IPHICRATES ; NECTANABIS.] Whether the disastrous result of the expedition in question threw Pharnabazus into disgrace at court, we do not know. Henceforth he disappears from history. The character of Pharnabazus is eminently distinguished by generosity and opennes
is intention and to remain where his presence appeared more necessary. It was about this time also that IIermocrates was indebted to his generosity for an unsolicited supply of money for the purpose of procuring ships and mercenaries to effect his return to Syracuse [HERMOCRATES]. In B. C. 409, Pharnabazus was defeated by Alcibiades and Thrasyllus near Abydus, and his province was ravaged by the Athenians (Xen. Hell. 1.1. §§ 14, &c., 31, 2. §§ 16, 17; Diod. 13.49-51, 63; Plnt. Alc. 28.) In B. C. 408, the success of Alcibiades and his colleagues at Chalcedon against Pharnabazus and the Spartan harmost, Hippocrates, who was slain in the battle, induced the satrap to accept terms of accommodation fiom the Athenians, and he further engaged to give a safe conduct to the ambassadors whom they purposed sending to Dareius (Xen. Hell. 1.3. §§ 4-14; Diod. 13.66 ; Plut. Alc. 30, 31.) Early in the following spring he was journeying with the embassy in question on their way to the Persian court, w<
one up to court to marry the king's daughter. (Xen. Hell. 5.1.28, Ages. 3.3 ; Plut. Art. 27.) So far we are on sure ground ; but it is very difficult to decide to what period we should refer the unsuccessful expedition of the Persians to Egypt under Pharnabazus, Abrocomas, and Tithraustes. Rehldantz, however, gives some very probable reasons for placing it in B. C. 392-390. (Rehdantz, Vit. Iph., Chabr., Timoth. pp. 32, 239-242; comp. Isocr. Paneg. 69, d. ; Aristoph. Pl. 178; Just. 6.6.) In B. C. 377, Pharnabazus, by his remonstrances with the Athenians, obtained the recall of Chabrias from the service of Acoris, king of Egypt, and also a promise to send Iphicrates to co-operate with the Persian generals in the reduction of the rebellious province. The expedition, however, under Iphicrates and Pharnabazus ultimately failed iln B. C. 374, chiefly through the dilatory proceedings and the excessive caution of the latter, who excused himself to his colleague by the remark that while his wo
as himself residing there. (Xen. Hell. 4.8.33.) Two years after we find Ariobarzanes holding the government of Pharnabazus, who had gone up to court to marry the king's daughter. (Xen. Hell. 5.1.28, Ages. 3.3 ; Plut. Art. 27.) So far we are on sure ground ; but it is very difficult to decide to what period we should refer the unsuccessful expedition of the Persians to Egypt under Pharnabazus, Abrocomas, and Tithraustes. Rehldantz, however, gives some very probable reasons for placing it in B. C. 392-390. (Rehdantz, Vit. Iph., Chabr., Timoth. pp. 32, 239-242; comp. Isocr. Paneg. 69, d. ; Aristoph. Pl. 178; Just. 6.6.) In B. C. 377, Pharnabazus, by his remonstrances with the Athenians, obtained the recall of Chabrias from the service of Acoris, king of Egypt, and also a promise to send Iphicrates to co-operate with the Persian generals in the reduction of the rebellious province. The expedition, however, under Iphicrates and Pharnabazus ultimately failed iln B. C. 374, chiefly through t
Pharnaba'zus 2. Son of Pharnaces, succeeded his father as satrap of the Persian provinces near the Hellespont, and it would seem from a passage in Thucydides (8.58) that his brothers were associated with him in the government (comp. Arnold and Göller ad Thuc. l.c. ; Krueger, ad Tlnw. 8.6). Early in B. C. 412, being anxious to support the Greek cities of his satrapy in their intended revolt from Athens, in order that he might satisfy the demand of his master, Dareius II., for the tribute arising from them, he sent to Sparta two Greek exiles who had taken refuge at his court (Calligeitus of Megara and Timagoras of Cyzicus), proposing an alliance, and urging that a Lacedaemonian fleet should be despatched to the Hellespont. The government, however, acting chiefly under the influence of Alcibiades, decided in favour of a counter application to the same effect from Tissaphernes, the satrap of Lydia; but, in the congress which the Spartans shortly after held at Corinth, it was resolved to
arge promises, which he never redeemed, to withdraw them front his territory. [ANAXIBIUS.] The great authority with which Tissaphernes was invested by Artaxerxes in Asia Minor, as a reward for his services in the war with Cyrus, naturally excited the jealousy of Pharnabazus; and the hostile feeling mutually entertained by the satraps was taken advantage of by Dercyllidas, when he passed over into Asia, in B. C. 399, to protect the Asiatic Greeks against the Persian power. [DERCYLLIDAS.] In B. C. 396, the province of Pharnabazus was invaded by Agesilaus, but the Lacedaemonian cavalry was defeated by that of the satrap. In 395, Tithraustes, who had been sent lv Artaxerxes to put Tissaphernes to death, and to succeed him in his government, made a merit with Agesilaus of his predecessor's execution, and urged him to leave his province unmolested, and to attack that of Pharnabazus instead, a request to which Agesilaus acceded, on condition that Tithraustes should bear the expense of the nm
cantily furnished, the Spartans sent forty ships under Clearchus to the Hellespont, of which ten only arrived there; but, the same motives still continuing to operate with them, and the duplicity of Tissaphernes becoming more and more apparent, the whole armament under Mindarus soon after left Miletus and sailed northward to unite itself with Pharnabazus (Thuc. 8.61, 62, 80, 99-109). In the battle between the Athenian and Lacedaemonian fleets, which was fought near Abydus in the same year (B. C. 411), and in which the Athenians were viotorious, Pharnabazus distinguished himself greatly by his zeal in behalf of his allies, urging his horse into the sea, and fighting as long as possible (Xen. Hel. 1.1.6; Diod. 13.46; Plut. Alc. 27). In B. C. 410 he aided Mindarus in the capture of Cyzicus; and in the battle which took place there soon after [MINDARUS], he not only gave valuable assistance to the Lacedaemonians with his forces, which were drawn up on the shore, but, when fortune declare
hole armament under Mindarus soon after left Miletus and sailed northward to unite itself with Pharnabazus (Thuc. 8.61, 62, 80, 99-109). In the battle between the Athenian and Lacedaemonian fleets, which was fought near Abydus in the same year (B. C. 411), and in which the Athenians were viotorious, Pharnabazus distinguished himself greatly by his zeal in behalf of his allies, urging his horse into the sea, and fighting as long as possible (Xen. Hel. 1.1.6; Diod. 13.46; Plut. Alc. 27). In B. C. 410 he aided Mindarus in the capture of Cyzicus; and in the battle which took place there soon after [MINDARUS], he not only gave valuable assistance to the Lacedaemonians with his forces, which were drawn up on the shore, but, when fortune declared against his friends, he checked the pursuit of the victorious Athenians, and sheltered the fugitives in his camp. He also supplied each of them with arms and clothing and with pay for two months, setting then to guard the coasts of his province, an
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