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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 34 34 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 5 5 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1311b (search)
ons referred to are uncertain. by Derdas because he mocked at his youth, and the attack of the eunuch on Evagoras of Cyprus was for revenge, for he murdered him as being insulted, because Evagoras's son had taken away his wife. And many risings have also occurred because of shameful personal indignities committed by certain monarchs. One instance is the attack of Crataeas on ArchelausKing of Macedon 413-399 B.C. Euripides went to reside at his court 408 B.C. and died there 406 B.C. at the age of 75.; for he was always resentful of the association, so that even a smaller excuse became sufficient, or perhaps it was because he did not give him the hand of one of his daughters after agreeing to do so, but gave the elder to the king of Elimea when hard pressed in a war against Sirras and Arrabaeus, and the younger to his son Amyntas, thinking that thus Amyntas would be least likely to quarrel with his son by Cleopatr
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 49 (search)
it he portioned out in allotments, up to the full sum of ten thousand settlers. This he did out of a desire, not only that he might have a substantial help ready at hand for any need that might arise, but also that from the recently founded state of ten thousand men he might receive the honours accorded to heroes. And the Naxians and Catanians whom he had removed from their native states he transferred to Leontini and commanded them to make their homes in that city along with the native population. And Theron, seeing that after the slaughter of the Himerans the city was in need of settlers, made a mixed multitude there, enrolling as its citizens both Dorians and any others who so wished. These citizens lived together on good terms in the state for fifty-eight years; but at the expiration of this period the city was conquered and razed to the ground by the CarthaginiansIn 408 B.C. and has remained without inhabitants to this day.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 68 (search)
408 B.C.At the end of the year the Athenians bestowed the office of archon upon Euctemon and the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Papirius and Spurius Nautius, and the Ninety-third Olympiad was celebrated, that in which Eubatus of Cyrene won the "stadion." About this time the Athenian generals, now that they had taken possession of Byzantium, proceeded against the Hellespont and took every one of the cities of that region with the exception of Abydus.The Lacedaemonian base. Then they left Diodorus and Mantitheus in charge with an adequate force and themselves sailed to Athens with the ships and the spoils, having performed many great deeds for the fatherland. When they drew near the city, the populace in a body, overjoyed at their successes, came out to meet them, and great numbers of the aliens, as well as children and women, flocked to the Peiraeus. For the return of the generals gave great cause for amazement, in that the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 75 (search)
The two-horse chariot raceUntil this time the only chariot race had been that with teams of four horses (cp. Paus. 5.8.10). was added in this same Olympic FestivalThe ninety-third, 408 B.C.; and among the Lacedaemonians Pleistonax, their king, died after a reign of fifty years, and Pausanias succeeded to the throne and reigned for fourteen years. Also the inhabitants of the island of Rhodes left the cities of Ielysus, Lindus, and Cameirus and settled in one city, that which is now called Rhodes. Hermocrates,The narrative is resumed from the end of chap. 63. the Syracusan, taking his soldiers set out from Selinus, and on arriving at Himera he pitched camp in the suburbs of the city, which lay in ruins. And finding out the place where the Syracusans had made their stand, he collected the bones of the deadCp. chap. 61.6. and putting them upon wagons which he had constructed and embellished at great cost he conveyed them to
Isocrates, To Philip (ed. George Norlin), section 61 (search)
For because they were persuaded by him to covet the sovereignty of the sea, they lost even their leadership on land; so that if one were to assert that they became subject to the dominion of their present illsFor this play of words— a)rxh/“beginning,” a)rxh/“dominion” — cf. Isoc. 4.119, Isoc. 3.28, Isoc. 8.101. when they attempted to seize the dominion of the sea, he could not be convicted of falsehood. Alcibiades, however, after having caused these great calamities, was restored to his city, having won a great reputation, though not, indeed, enjoying the commendation of all.At length Alcibiades fell out with Athens' enemies, and began to intrigue in her favor; and so effectively did he work that his services were recognized at home and he was welcomed back to take again a leading part in the life of Athens, 408 B.C. There appears to have been no open opposition to his return. The many who distrusted him probably thought him less dangerous at home tha
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 1, chapter 3 (search)
During the ensuing year the temple of408 B.C. Athena at Phocaea was struck by lightning and set on fire. When the winter ended and spring began,—Pantacles being now ephor and Antigenes archon, and theCalchedonians, when they learned that the Athenians were approaching, had put all their portable408 B.C. property in the keeping of the Bithynian Thracians, their neighbours. Alcibiades, however, takimoney; and the rest of the generals concluded a compact with Pharnabazus which provided that, in408 B.C. consideration of their sparing Calchedon, Pharnabazus should give the Athenians twenty talents s and Pyrrolochus; ambassadors of the Lacedaemonians also went along, Pasippidas and others, and408 B.C. with them Hermocrates, who was already an exile from Syracuse, and his brother Proxenus. While icrates, Lycurgus, and Anaxilaus. This Anaxilaus was afterwards tried for his life at Lacedaemon408 B.C. because of this betrayal, but was acquitted, on the plea that he did not betray the city, but r
d by the Greeks from its abundant growth of parsley, called by them se/linon. Its remains are still to be seen at the spot called Selenti., and then the Promontory of Lilybæum, which is succeeded by DrepanaNow Trapani. Some vestiges of its ancient mole are to be seen., Mount EryxThe present Monte San Juliano., the towns of PanhormusThe great city of Palermo stands on its site. It was founded by the Phœnicians., SolusThe modern Solunto. and HimeraHimera was destroyed by the Carthaginians, B.C. 408, upon which its inhabitants founded Thermæ, so called from its hot springs. This was probably the colony of Thermæ mentioned above by Pliny, though wrongly placed by him on the southern coast between Selinus and Agrigentum. The modern town of Termini stands on the site of Thermæ; remains of its baths and aqueduct are still to be seen. Himera stood on a river of the same name, most probably the present Fiume Grande, and Fazello is of opinion that the town was situate on the site now occupied b
works, all of which, with a few unimportant exceptions, are lost., EudoxusSee end of B. ii., DicæarchusSee end of B. ii., TimosthenesA Rhodian by birth. He was admiral of the fleet of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who reigned from B.C. 285 to 247. He wrote a work "On Harbours," in ten books, which was copied by Eratosthenes, and is frequently quoted by ancient writers. Strabo also says that he composed poetry., EratosthenesSee end of B. ii., EphorusOf Cumæ, or Cymæ, in Ionia. He flourished about B.C. 408. He studied under Isocrates, and gained considerable fame as a historian. Though anxious to disclose the truth, he has been accused of sometimes forcing his authorities to suit his own views. Of his history of Greece, and his essays on various subjects, a few fragments only survive., Crates the GrammarianA grammarian of Mallus, in Cilicia. He lived in the time of Ptolemy Philopater, and resided at Pergamus, under the patronage of Eumenes II. and Attalus II. In his grammatical system he made a
Aha'la 4. C. Servilius Structus Ahala, P. F. Q. N., consular tribune B. C. 408, and magister equitum in the same year; which latter dignity he obtained in consequence of supporting the senate against his colleagues, who did not wish a dictator to be appointed. For the same reason he was elected consular tribune a second time in the following year, 407. He was consular tribune a third time in 402, when he assisted the senate in compelling his colleagues to resign who had been defeated by the enemy. (Liv. 4.56, 57, 5.8, 9.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anaxila'us of BYZANTIUM (search)
Anaxila'us of BYZANTIUM (*)Anaci/laos), of BYZANTIUM, one of the parties who surrendered Byzantium to the Athenians in B. C. 408. He was afterwards brought to trial at Sparta for this surrender, but was acquitted, inasmuch as the inhabitants were almost starving at the time. (Xen. Hell. 1.3.19; Plut. Alc. pp. 208, d., 209, a.; comp. Diod. 13.67, and Wesseling's note; Polyaen. 1.47.2
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