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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 29 29 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 12 12 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 11 11 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 2 2 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1302b (search)
yet it would be better to provide from the outset that there may be no persons in the stateso greatly predominant, than first to allow them to come into existence and afterwards to apply a remedy. Fear is the motive of faction with those who have inflicted wrong and are afraid of being punished, and also with those who are in danger of suffering a wrong and wish to act in time before the wrong is inflicted, as the notables at Rhodes banded togetherPerhaps in 390 B.C., cf. 1302b 32 f. and 1304b 27 ff. against the people because of the law-suits that were being brought against them. Contempt is a cause of faction and of actual attacks, upon the government, for instance in oligarchies when those who have no share in the government are more numerous (for they think themselves the stronger party), and in democracies when the rich have begun to feel contempt for the disorder and anarchy that prevails, as for example at Thebes
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1312a (search)
ith a light heart, feeling that they have the power and because of their power despising the danger, as generals commanding the armies attack their monarchs; for instance Cyrus attacked AstyagesThe last king of Media, reigned 594-559 B.C. when he despised both his mode of life and his power, because his power had waned and he himself was living luxuriously, and the Thracian Seuthes attacked AmadocusBoth these Thracian kings became allies of Athens 390 B.C., but the event referred to may be later. when his general. Others again attack monarchs for more than one of these motives, for instance both because they despise them and for the sake of gain, as MithridatesPerhaps Mithridates II., who succeeded his father Ariobarzanes as satrap of Pontus 336 B.C. attacked Ariobarzanes.The following sentence may have been shifted by mistake from the end of 8.14 above. And it is men of bold nature and who hol
Demosthenes, Against Leptines, section 60 (search)
us made you masters of the Hellespont, so that you farmed out the toll of ten per cent,Levied by the Byzantines on the value of the cargo of every ship passing through the Bosporus. and thus being well furnished with money forced the Lacedaemonians to conclude a peace favorable to you?The Athenians gained Byzantium and Chalcedon in 390 B.C. It is strange to find the notorious peace of Antalcidas mentioned with approval. When subsequently they were banished, you, Athenians, passed what I think was a very proper decree in favor of men exiled through devotion to your interests, conferring on them the title of Friends of the StateA proxenus was a foreigner who, in his own state, looked after Athenian interests. These men,
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIV, Chapter 99 (search)
390 B.C.At the close of this year Demostratus was archon in Athens, and in Rome the consuls Lucius Lucretius and ServiliusServilius Sulpicius Camerinus (Livy 5.29). took office. At this time Artaxerxes sent Struthas as general to the coast with an army to make war on the Lacedaemonians, and the Spartans, when they learned of his arrival, dispatched Thibron as general to Asia. Thibron seized the stronghold of Ionda and a high mountain, Cornissus,Ionda should be Isinda, and Cornissus is more likely Solmissus; so B. D. Meritt, Athenian Tribute Lists, p. 493. forty stades from Ephesus. He then advanced with eight thousand soldiers together with the troops gathered from Asia, pillaging the King's territory. Struthas, with a strong force of barbarian cavalry, five thousand hoplites, and more than twenty thousand light-armed troops, pitched his camp not far from the Lacedaemonians. Eventually, when Thibron once set out with a detachme
Isaeus, Apollodorus, section 9 (search)
When Archedamus had been reduced from affluence to embarrassment, Apollodorus helped him to look after his affairs, sharing his own money with him. Again, when he was on the point of starting for Corinth on military service,Athenian troops were engaged in the region of Corinth from 394 to 390 B.C. he made a will in case anything happened to him and devised his property to Archedamus's daughter, his own sister and my mother, providing for her marriage with Lacratides, who has now become hierophant.The official who displayed the sacred emblems at the Eleusinian mysteries; he was a member of the house of the Eumolpidae. Such was his conduct towards us who had originally saved him from ruin.
Isocrates, To Philip (ed. George Norlin), section 6 (search)
In the next place, you will have to realize that by formally surrendering this territory to us you would in fact still hold it in your power, and would, besides, gain our good will, for you would then have as many hostages of ours to guarantee our friendship as we should send out settlers into the region of your influence; while someone will have to make our own people see that, if we got possession of Amphipolis, we should be compelled to maintain the same friendly attitude toward your policy, because of our colonists there, as we did for the elder AmadocusAn alliance was entered into between Athens and Amadocus, the powerful Thracian king, 390 B.C. (Xen. Hell. 4.8.26). because of our landholders in the Chersone
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 24 (search)
olds a statue of Victory about four cubits high, and in the other hand a spear; at her feet lies a shield and near the spear is a serpent. This serpent would be Erichthonius. On the pedestal is the birth of Pandora in relief. Hesiod and others have sung how this Pandora was the first woman; before Pandora was born there was as yet no womankind. The only portrait statue I remember seeing here is one of the emperor Hadrian, and at the entrance one of Iphicrates,A famous Athenian soldier.fl. 390 B.C. who accomplished many remarkable achievements. Opposite the temple is a bronze Apollo, said to be the work of Pheidias. They call it the Locust God, because once when locusts were devastating the land the god said that he would drive them from Attica. That he did drive them away they know, but they do not say how. I myself know that locusts have been destroyed three times in the past on Mount Sipylus, and not in the same way. Once a gale arose and swept them away; on another occasion vi
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Laconia, chapter 10 (search)
o Sparta, they too celebrated the Isthmian games along with the Argives. Agesilaus again marched with an army against Corinth, and, as the festival Hyacinthia was at hand, he gave the Amycleans leave to go back home and perform the traditional rites in honor of Apollo and Hyacinthus. This battalion was attacked on the way and annihilated by the Athenians under Iphicrates. Agesilaus went also to Aetolia to give assistance to the Aetolians, who were hard pressed in a war with, the Acarnanians;390 B.C. these he compelled to put an end to the war, although they had come very near capturing Calydon and the other towns of the Aetolians. Afterwards he sailed to Egypt, to succor the Egyptians who had revolted from the king of Persia. Agesilaus performed many noteworthy achievements in Egypt, but, being by this time ah old man, he died on the march. then his dead body was brought home, the Lacedaemonians buried it with greater honors than they had given to any other king. In the reign of Archid
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 4, chapter 5 (search)
After this the Lacedaemonians, upon hearing390 B.C. from the Corinthian exiles that the people in the city hadnd waited until the Corinthian exiles had conducted390 B.C. the sacrifice and the games in honour of Poseidon.y one way and another and many large fires had been390 B.C. made, since there was a great deal of fuel at hand occupied himself in watching the great quantity of390 B.C. prisoners and property that was being brought out.d on the following day he exposed the prisoners and390 B.C. captured property for sale. The ambassadors of the a campaign or away from home for any other reason.390 B.C. Accordingly Agesilaus had on this occasion left beLacedaemonian regiment. Now when the Lacedaemonians390 B.C. were being attacked with javelins, and several men in the pursuit and in the turning backward kept an390 B.C. even front with the hoplites. And what with strivias when he captured these strongholds, and in Oenoe390 B.C. by Agesilaus at the time when Piraeum was taken, I
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