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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 4 4 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 2 2 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1303a (search)
evolutions in constitutions take place even without factious strife, owing to election intrigue, as at HeraeaOn the Alpheus, in Arcadia. (for they made their magistrates elected by lot instead of by vote for this reason, because the people used to elect those who canvassed); and also owing to carelessness, when people allow men that are not friends of the constitution to enter into the sovereign offices, as at OreusIn Euboea; its secession from Sparta to Athens, 377 B.C., was perhaps the occasion of this revolution. oligarchy was broken up when Heracleodorus became one of the magistrates, who in place of an oligarchyformed a constitutional government, or rather a democracy. Another cause is alteration by small stages; by this I mean that often a great change of institutions takes place unnoticed when people overlook a small alteration, as in Ambracia the property-qualification was small, and finally men hold office wi
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 9 (search)
against him. He made his forces ready for battle, then announced through a herald that any of the Thebans who wished might come to him and enjoy the peace which was common to all the Greeks. In response, the Thebans with equal spirit proclaimed from a high tower that anyone who wished to join the Great King and Thebes in freeing the GreeksPlut. Alexander 11.4. That is, according to the terms of the Peace of Antalcidas (Xen. Hell. 5.1.31). In a similar manner, the Athenians had appealed to the Greeks against Sparta in the decree of Aristoteles setting up the so-called Second Athenian League (377 B.C.; SIG 147). and destroying the tyrant of Greece should come over to them. This epithet stung Alexander. He flew into a towering rage and declared that he would pursue the Thebans with the extremity of punishment. Raging in his heart, he set to constructing siege engines and to preparing whatever else was necessary for the attack.
Isocrates, Archidamus (ed. George Norlin), section 47 (search)
But we should both grow weary, you with listening and I with speaking, if we were to examine every incident of this sort; nay, if we were to recall also our experience with Thebes, while we should be grieved over past events, we should gain better hopes for the future. For when they ventured to withstand our inroads and our threats,Of Agesilaus in 394, 378, and 377 B.C.; of Phoebidas in 382, and of Cleombrotus in 378 and 376 B.C. fortune so completely reversed their situation that they, who at all other times have been in our power, now assert their right to dictate to us.
Isocrates, Plataicus (ed. George Norlin), section 11 (search)
But I imagine that on the subject of the treaties they will not venture to show their impudence, but will resort to the argument that we were taking the side of the Lacedaemonians in the war and that by destroying us they have benefited the entire confederacy.Evidently a reference to the Second Athenian Confederacy, organized in 377 B.C. and directed against Sparta. cf. p. 147.
Isocrates, Plataicus (ed. George Norlin), section 21 (search)
And not content with their other base misrepresentations, they now say that they pursued this course for the common good of the allies. And yet what they ought to have done, inasmuch as there is an Hellenic CouncilAthens' Second Confederacy, organized in 377 B.C. For this Council cf. § 18 above. here and your city is more competent than Thebes to advise prudent measures, is, not to be here now to defend the acts they have already committed, but to have come to you for consultation before they took any such action.
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 4 (search)
r by sea a polemarch and one regiment, and thus kept Thespiae garrisoned. When the spring came, however, the ephors again377 B.C. called out the ban against Thebes and, just as before, requested Agesilaus to take command. Now since he held the same ve before even offering the sacrifice at the frontier and ordered him to occupy in advance the summit overlooking the road377 B.C. which leads over Cithaeron and to guard it until he himself arrived. And when he had passed this point and arrived at Ply were drawn up and hurried toward the city on the run, by the road which leads to Potniae; for this was the safer route.377 B.C. And it really seemed that Agesilaus' expedient proved a clever one, for though he led his army directly away from the ene the riding is good foot-soldiers are quickly overtaken by horsemen. Now when Agesilaus had arrived at Thespiae, finding377 B.C. that the citizens were involved in factional strife, and that those who said they were supporters of Lacedaemon wanted t
Xenophon, Agesilaus (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.), chapter 2 (search)
the peace until he forced Corinth and Thebes to restore to their homes the citizens who had been exiled on account of their sympathy381 B.C. with the Lacedaemonians. And again later, having led an expedition in person against Phleius, he also restored the Phleiasian exiles who had suffered in the same cause. Possibly some may censure these actions on other grounds, but at least it is obvious that they were prompted by a spirit of true comradeship. It was in the same spirit that he subsequently377 B.C. made an expedition against Thebes, to relieve the Lacedaemonians in that city when their opponents had taken to murdering them. Finding the city protected on all sides by a trench and stockade, he crossed the Pass of Cynoscephalae, and laid waste the country up to the city walls, offering battle to the Thebans both on the plain and on the hills, if they chose to fight. In the following year he made another expedition against Thebes, and, after crossing the stockade and trenches at Scolus
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MURUS SERII TULLII (search)
ith it. unless Rome was an open town. Prof. Hulsen has kindly communicated this view to me, and I fully agree with it. As the result of the Gallic invasion, the whole enceinte was enormously reinforced and strengthened, the original line, however, being for the most part, if not entirely, retained. To the construction of this wall the following passages have generally been referred: Liv. vi. 32. I: ut tribute novum fenus contraheretur in murum a censoribus locatum saxo quadrato faciundum (377 B.C.). vii. 20. 9: Legionibus Romam reductis relicum anni muris turribusque reficiendis consumptum (353 B.C.). It is natural that so great a work as this should have taken a considerable number of years to build. To this reconstruction belongs all the masonry of larger blocks. Frank remarks that, though the majority of the blocks measure 58-61 cm. high, there is a good deal of irregularity even on the outer face, where he has noted measures as low as 51 cm. and as high as 64, while on the insid
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Calvus or Calvus Stolo (search)
Calvus or Calvus Stolo 3. C. Licinius Calvus, a son of No. 2, was consular tribune in B. C. 377, and magister equitum to the dictator P. Manlius in B. C. 368,--an office which was then conferred upon a plebeian for the first time. (Liv. 6.31, 39; Diod. 15.57.) Plutarch (Camill. 39) considers this magister equitum to be the same as the famous law-giver C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, who was then tribune of the people ; but it is inconceivable that a tribune should have held the office of magister equitum. Dio Cassius (Fragm. 33) likewise calls the magister equitum erroneously Licinius Stolo. (Comp. Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, iii. p. 27, n. 35.)
Cicuri'nus 8. C. Veturius Crassus Cicurinus, consular tribune B. C. 377, and a second time in 369 during the agitation of the Licinian laws. (Liv. 6.32, 36; Diod. 15.61, 77.)
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