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“ [144] country; and, whatever difficulties and discouragements lie in my way, I dare not shrink from it; and I rely on that Being who has not left us the choice of duties, that, whilst I shall conscientiously discharge mine, I shall not finally lose my reward.” These are the words of Washington, uttered in the early darkness of the American Revolution. The rule of duty is the same for the lowly and the great; and I hope it may not seem presumptuous in one so humble as myself to adopt his determination, and to avow his confidence.

I have the honor to be, fellow-citizens,

With sincere regard,

Your faithful friend and servant,

Charles Sumner. Boston, May 14, 1851.

Massachusetts had found her man, He had now arrived at that period which Dante calls

Mezzo del cammin di nostra vita,
and was in person tall, dignified, and commanding. His frame was solid and compact; his features were strongly marked; and his clear, dark eye, deeply set beneath his heavy brow and massive forehead, shone when he was engaged in speaking, with peculiar brilliancy. His voice was strong and musical, his gesticulation unconstrained and graceful. Nature had set on him her imperial seal of greatness, which a generous and untiring culture had developed. Few men of the day possessed a broader scholarship,

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