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[331] “custodian” was on that occasion in the very best of spirits, and made an admirable address, his health was rapidly declining; and he therefore sent with much reluctance this request to cancel his lyceum engagements.

Coolidge House, 3d Oct., 1873.
Dear Mr. Redpath,--In announcing me as a lecturer for the present season, and making engagements for me, you acted precisely according to understanding. I felt at the time in condition to assume this heavy work, and am not conscious of any failure since. But much-valued friends have represented to me, that, at this early period of convalescence after protracted disability, it would be imprudent for me not to allow myself further rest, and especially that I ought not to undertake a series of engagements so wearying as that proposed.

Had this representation proceeded from a few only, or had my friends been divided or less strenuous, I should not, perhaps, have felt constrained, as I do now, by their unanimous judgment in letter and conversation, leaving me no alternative. It is with much reluctance, and in obedience to the sentiments of those whose kindness awakens my gratitude, that I now withdraw, and ask you to cancel any engagements made on my account.

Accept my thanks, and believe me, my dear sir,

Faithfully yours,

In November Mr. Sumner addressed a letter to a meeting held in New York, condemnatory of the

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