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5. L. Manlius Vulso Longus, A. F. P. N., was consul B. C. 256 with M. Atilius Regulus, and along with his colleague invaded Africa. Their victory over the Carthaginians by sea, and their successful campaign in Africa are fully related in the life of Regulus. [REGULUS, No. 3.] Vulso returned to Italy at the fall of the year with half of the army, and obtained the honour of a triumph. (Plb. 1.26-29; Zonar. 8.12, 13; Oros. 4.8.) In B. C. 250 Vulso was consul a second time with C. Atilius Regulus Serranus, and with his colleague commenced the siege of Lilybaeum. For details see REGULUS, No. 4. (Plb. 1.39, 41-48 ; Zonar. 8.15; Oros. 4.10.)

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