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Saint, a physician in the ancient district of Liguria, who was converted to Christianity at a very early period by some of the immediate followers of the Apostles. He went to Ravenna, where he performed numerous cures, and was at the same time careful to take advantage of every opportunity of converting his patients to Christianity. Here he suffered martyrdom, A. D. 67, at the command of C. Suetonius Paulinus, after suffering many cruel tortures, during which his faith and courage had once well nigh failed. His memory is commemorated by the Romish Church on June 19, but his name does not appear in the Greek calendar. (" Passio S. Ursicini," &c. in Muratori, Rer. Ital. Script. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 560, &c.; Acta Sanct. June 19, vol. iii. p. 809, &c.; Hieron. Rubei Ital. et Raven. Hist.)


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