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2. The youngest among the sons of Priam and Laotoe, was slain by Achilles. (Hom. Il. 20.406, &c., 22.46, &c.) The tragic poets (see Eur. Hec. 3) call him a son of Priam and Hecabe. When Ilium was on the point of falling into the hands of the Greeks, Priam entrusted his son Polydorus and a large sum of money to Polymestor or Polymnestor, king of the Thracian Chersonesus ; but after the destruction of Troy, Polymestor killed Polydorus for the purpose of getting possession of his treasures, and cast his body into the sea. His body was afterwards washed upon the coast, where it was found and recognised by his mother Hecabe, who together with other Trojan captives took vengeance upon Polymestor by killing his two children, and putting out his eyes. (Eurip. Hec. l.c., 1050; Virg. Acn. 3.49, &c. ; Ov. Met. 13.432, &c., 536; Plut. Parall. min. 24.) Another tradition states that Polydorus was entrusted to his sister Iliona, who was married to Polymestor, and who was to educate him. She accordingly brought him up as her own son, while she made every one else believe that her own son Deiphilus or Deipylus was Polydorus. The Greeks determined to destroy the race of Priam sent to Polymestor, promising him Electra for his wife, and a large amount of gold, if he would kill Polydorus. Polymestor was prevailed upon, and he accordingly slew his own son instead of Polydorus. The true Polydorus having afterwards learnt the real intention of Polymestor persuaded his sister Iliona to kill Polymestor. (Hyg. Fab. 109, 240; Horat. Sat. 2.3. 61; Cic. Tusc. 1.44, Acad. 2.27.) According to a third tradition, lastly, Polymestor, who was attacked by the Greeks, delivered up Polydorus to them in order to secure their leaving him in peace. The Greeks wanted to get possession of Helen in his stead, but as the Trojans refused to make the exchange, the Greeks stoned Polydorus to death under the very walls of Troy, and his body was delivered up to Helen. (Dict. Cret. 2.18, 22, 27.)

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