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*Kle/arxos), of Soli, one of Aristotle's pupils, was the author of a number of works, none of which are extant, on a very great variety of subjects. he seems to have been the same person whom Athenaeus (i. p. 4a.) calls τρεχέδειπνος, or the diner out.


A list of his principal writings is subjoined, all the references which may be found in Vossius (dc Hist. Graec. pp. 83, 84, ed. Westermann) being omitted for the sake of brevity:--

1. Βίοι

Βίοι, a biographical work, extending to at least eight books. (See Athen. 12.548d.) 2. A commentary on Plato's "Timaeus." (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. iii. p. 95.)

3. Πλάτωνος ἐγκώμιον

Πλάτωνος ἐγκώμιον (D. L. 3.2.)

4. Περὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ Πλάτωνος Πολιτείᾳ μαθηματικῶς εἰρημένων

Περὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ Πλάτωνος Πολιτείᾳ μαθηματικῶς εἰρημένων.

5. Γεργίθιος

Γεργίθιος, a treatise on flattery, so called, according to Athenaeus (vi. p. 255), from Gergithius, one of Alexander's courtiers.

6. Περὶ παιδείας

Περὶ παιδείας. (D. L. 1.9; Athen. 15.697e.)

7. Περὶ φιλίας

Περὶ φιλίας.

8. Παροιμίαι


9. Πεπὶ γρίφων

Πεπὶ γρίφων, on riddles.

10. Ἐρωτικά

Ἐρωτικά, probably historical, a collection of lovestories, not unmixed with the discussion of some very odd questions on the subject (e. g. Athen. 12.553f.).

11. Περὶ γραφῶν

Περὶ γραφῶν, on paintings. (Athen. 14.648f.)

12. Περιγραφαί

Περιγραφαί? The reading in Athenaeus (vii. ad init.) is doubtful ; see Dalechamp and Casaubon, ad loc.

13. Περὶ νάρκησς

Περὶ νάρκησς, on the Torpedo.

14. Περὶ τῶν ἐνύδρων

Περὶ τῶν ἐνύδρων, on water-animals.

15. Περὶ Δινῶν

Περὶ Δινῶν, on sand-wastes.

16. Περὶ σκελετῶν

Περὶ σκελετῶν, an anatomical work. (Casaub. ad Athen. ix. p. 399.)

17. Περὶ ὕπνου

Περὶ ὕπνου, the genuineness of which, however, has been called in question. (Fabr. Bibl. Graec. iii. p. 481.) This is the work to which Clement of Alexandria refers (Strom. 1.15) for the account of the philosophical Jew, with whom Aristotle was said to have held much communication, and therein, by his own confession, to have gained more than he imparted.

On Military Tactics

It has been doubted also whether the work on military tactics referred to by Aelianus Tacticus (ch. 1) should be ascribed to the present Clearchus or to the tyrant of Heracleia.

Further Information

See Voss. l.c. ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. iii. p. 481.


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