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§§ 52—4. Clear and explicit as the terms of the law are, they have been violated by taking the ship (from Thieves' harbour) to Chios at the instance of a Chian merchant who had lent them money on our goods in the Euxine. And those who break the law do indirectly injure the citizens generally.

μὲν νόμοςοὕτω χαλεπὸς Or. 43 § 72 μὲν νόμος οὕτως ἰσχυρός. Uhle, i 112.]

γεγραμμένον For this impersonal use of the passive participle, cf. 24 § 105 and 50 § 12 προειρημένον, Antiphon 3 β 7 ἀπειρημένον ... ...προστεταγμένον. Goodwin, Moods and Tenses, § 851. S.]

τοῦ ναυκλήρου τοῦ Φ. § 36.

περὶ τὸν ναύκληρον ‘With, and in custody of, the skipper.’ The word ἅπαντα is emphatic: he would have the whole cargo, and therefore the property of Androcles was included. Such a transaction appears to have been legal, provided the consent of the former lenders was obtained.

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Demosthenes, Against Macartatus, 72
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