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τοὺς πάντας, ‘in all.’

ἧς ἄν τινος, for ἥστινος ἄν, forming with the subjunctive a conditional relative clause.

ἡλικίας, see on § 7. The lists of citizens kept for military purposes were identical with the lists made annually of youths admitted to citizenship in each deme at the age of 18. Each year was kept separate under the name of its ἄρχων ἐπώνυμος, and when troops were required it was usual to call out certain years (e.g. Dem. 3. 4 τοὺς μέχρι πέντε καὶ τετταράκοντ᾽ ἐτῶν), though sometimes given years were only called out in part. The first three Solonian classes served as hoplites, the Thetes as light troops.

τακτόν, instead of the usual practice in βοήθειαι.

ἀλλήλοις, as διαδέχεσθαι ‘to succeed’ is followed by a dative.

ἱππέας, governed by λέγω, as are ἱππαγωγοὺς and τριήρεις.

τοὐλάχιστον, ‘at least,’ adverbial, as frequently.

ὥσπερ, correlative to τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον, i.e. χρόνον τακτὸν ἐκ διαδοχῆς.

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