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κρίνατε, the aorist of the definite act, whereas προλαμβάνετε refers to the continual intrusion of prejudice. πρότερον is pleonastic. The asyndeton gives weight.

ἐξ ἀρχῆς should be taken with καινήν, ‘an armament of a radically new character,’ which for that reason might be expected to require lengthy preparation.

ἀναβάλλειν, ‘to delay,’ oftener in the middle voice. A distinction has been drawn on the ground that the active has a causal force, ‘to hinder others,’ but is hardly borne out by the examples.

ταχὺ and τήμερον are of course quoted from supposed speakers, and serve as objects to εἰπόντες.

εἰς δέον, ‘to the purpose,’ as inf. § 40 and elsewhere.

τῇ νυνὶ βοηθείᾳ, ‘by despatching levies now.’ The force of the article is rather obscure: perhaps ‘the levy implied by those who cry ταχύ.’ βοήθεια, a mere expedition, is contrasted with παρασκευὴ συνεχὴς in § 32.

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