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ZEUGITANA REGIO the more northern part of the Roman province of Africa. Pliny seems to be the earliest writer who mentions the name of Zeugitana (5.4. s. 3). A town of Zeugis is mentioned by Aethicus (Cosmogr. p. 63), and a Zeugitanus, apparently a mountain, by Solinus ( “a pede Zeugitano,” 100.27), which is perhaps the same as the Mons Ziguensis of Victor (de Persec. Vandal. iii.), the present Zow-wan; and according to Shaw (Travels, i. p. 191, sq.), if the existence of a town or mountain so named is not altogether problematical, the province probably derived its name from either one or the other. The district was bounded on the S. by Byzacium, on the W. by Numidia, from which it was divided by the river Tusca (now Zaine), and on the N. and E. by the Mare Internum. After the time of Caesar it appears to have been called Provincia Vetus, or Africa Propria, as opposed to the later acquired Numidia. (D. C. 43.10; Plin. l.c.; Mela, 1.7.) Strabo mentions it only as Καρχηδονία, or the province of Carthage (vi. p. 267, &c.). It embraced the modern Frigeah (which is doubtless a corruption of the ancient name of Africa) or northern part of the kingdom of Tunis. Zeugitana was watered by the Bagradas, and was a very fertile country. There were no towns of importance in the interior, but on the coast we find Siagul, Neapolis, Curubis, Aspis or Clupea, Carpis, Tunes, Carthago, Castra Cornelia, Utica, and Hippo Diarrhytus. For further particulars concerning this province see AFRICA


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