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Κέρβερος). The famous dog of Hades, the fruit of Echidna's union with Typhon. He was

Cerberus. (From a Bronze Statue.)

stationed at the entrance of hell, as a watchful keeper, to prevent the living from entering the infernal regions, and the dead from escaping from their confinement. Orpheus lulled him to sleep with his lyre; and Heracles dragged him from hell in the performance of his twelfth and last labour. (See Heracles.) The poets differ in their descriptions of this fabled animal. Hesiod assigns him fifty heads, calling him κύων πεντηκοντακάρηνος. Sophocles ( Trach. 1114) styles him Ἅιδου τρίκρανον σκύλακα, “the three-headed dog of Pluto,” and in this last account the Latin poets generally coincide, describing him also as having serpents coiled about his neck. Horace, however, calls him belua centiceps ( Od. ii. 13, 14), either by poetic amplification, or else in accordance with some Greek authority. Champollion traces a curious analogy between the Egyptian and the Grecian mythology as regards the dog of Hades.

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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Homer, Odyssey, 2.13
    • Sophocles, Trachiniae, 1114
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