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A powerful people in Gallia Lugdunensis, dwelling along the upper course of the Sequana (Seine). Their chief town was Agendicum, afterwards called Senones (Sens) (B. G. ii. 2). A portion of this people crossed the Alps about B.C. 400, in order to settle in Italy, and took up their abode on the Adriatic Sea between the rivers Utis and Aesis (between Ravenna and Ancona), after expelling the Umbrians. In this country they founded the town of Sena. They not only extended their ravages into Etruria, but marched against Rome and took the city, B.C. 390. From this time we find them engaged in constant hostilities with the Romans, till they were at length completely subdued, and the greater part of them destroyed by the consul Dolabella in B.C. 283. See Gallia.

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