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(Gronov). The name of three distinguished Dutch classical scholars.


Johann Friedrich, born at Hamburg, September 20th, 1613. He studied at Bremen and at the Universities of Leipzig, Jena, and Altdorf, after which he spent some time in travel in both France and Italy. In 1643 he became Professor of Rhetoric and History at Deventer in the Netherlands, and in 1658 succeeded Daniel Heinsius, at Leyden, as Professor of Greek. He died at Leyden, December 28th, 1671.

He edited, with commentaries, Statius (1653), Plautus (1664), Livy (1645), Pliny the Elder (1669), Tacitus (1672), the tragedies of Seneca (1661), and published separately various notes upon Phaedrus, Seneca, and other authors, these being subsequently incorporated with the works of his more distinguished son. A valuable contribution to the study of numismatics is the treatise De Sestertiis, in four books, which appeared in 1643.


Jakob, son of the preceding, born at Deventer, October 20th, 1645. He early distinguished himself at Leyden, and in 1668 visited England, where he became intimate with Casaubon, Pocock, and Pearson. While in England he spent several months in collating a number of rare MSS. at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Soon after he declined a professorship at Deventer, and in 1671 visited France, where he made the acquaintance of some of the greatest scholars of that country. In the following year he travelled in Spain and Italy, accepting in the latter country a chair in the University of Pisa offered him by the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Resigning this at the end of two years, he returned to Leyden, where he soon after accepted the professorship, which he held to the end of his life, declining several calls from foreign universities, and passing his time in congenial work, though often embroiled in literary quarrels, in which he sustained his part with extreme violence of temper and a remarkable power of vituperative scurrility. He died October 21st, 1716.

His most important work is his Thesaurus Antiquitatum Graecarum, in thirteen vols. folio (Leyden, 1698-1702), reprinted at Venice (1732-37)—a work modelled on the great Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum of Graevius (q.v.). He also brought out new editions of the authors edited by his father, and himself edited and annotated Macrobius (1670), Polybius (1670), Tacitus (1721), Cicero (1691), Ammianus Marcellinus (1709), Minucius Felix (1707), Gellius (1706), Herodotus (1715), Cebes (1689), the poems ascribed to Manetho, the Dactylotheca of Gorlaeus, the Lexicon of Harpocration, besides publishing a great number of pamphlets, theses, discourses, etc.


Abraham, son of the preceding, was born at Leyden in 1694, and died there in 1775. He was for a long time librarian to the University, and is known by his editions of Iustinus (1719), Tacitus (with his father, 1721), and Mela (1722).

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