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An Athenian, who caused Dion (q.v.) to be assassinated.


An officer intrusted with the care of the treasures of Susa by Alexander.


An architect, who, in conjunction with Ictinus, built the Parthenon at Athens, and who undertook also to complete the Long Walls termed σκέλη (Pericl. c. 13). He appears to have flourished about B.C. 440.


A sculptor, distinguished principally by the minuteness of his performances. He is mentioned as a Lacedaemonian, and is associated with Myrmecides by Aelian (V. H. i. 17). In connection with this artist he is said to have made some chariots which could be covered with the wings of a fly, and to have inscribed on a grain of the plant sesamum some verses of Homer (Plin.vii. 21). Galen, therefore, well applies to him the epithet ματαιότεχνος. Athenaeus, however, relates that he engraved only large vases. The age in which he lived is uncertain.

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