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tempestās ātis, f

tempus, a portion of time, point of time, time, season, period : eādem tempestate: illā Tempestate, L.: fuere tempestate, qui, etc., S.: multis tempestatibus, S.: multis ante tempestatibus, L.Weather, time, season : tempestate serenā, Enn. ap. C.: idonea ad navigandum, good weather , Cs.: secunda, Ta.: haec tam clara, V.: et tempestates et navem idoneam habere.— A goddess of weather , O.: immolabitur agna Tempestatibus, H.A storm, tempest : turbida, Cs.: turbulenta: foeda, L.: Horrida, H.: tempestas navīs adflixit, Cs.: si segetibus tempestas nocuerit: Tempestas sine more furit, V.: in magnis tempestatibus: autumni, V.—Fig., storm , tempest, commotion, disturbance, calamity, misfortune : in hac tempestate populi iactari: invidiae: Gallici adventūs: Quanta per Idaeos Tempestas ierit campos, V.: communis Siculorum (i. e. Verres): rei p. navis fluitans in alto tempestatibus.— A storm, shower, press, throng, multitude : querelarum: turbida telorum, V.

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